Solutions to a Successful Program
- Work on your Game - Work at the Game - Don't work at the Game (Relax)
- Respect the Coach - Respect the Parent - Respect the Coach
- Love your Parent - Love the Athlete - Love your Athlete
Whether it's Sports or a Job, "You either QUIT or Keep Going. They both hurt!!!"
Athletic Participation
Adopted: 9-16-2016 / Revised 8-1-2020
Athletes participating in Middle School athletics will be allowed to participate in Hudson Parks & Recreation programs. Participates must pick up a form from Recreation Dept. & the schools coach must sign form giving the player permission. Players must meet the age requirements set by Hudson Parks & Recreation Department to be eligible.
Age Requirement Listed By Sport
Outdoor Soccer
4-5 yr. old coed
Cutoff Date: Sept. 1st
6-8 yr. old coed
Cutoff Date: Sept. 1st
9-12 yr. old coed
Cutoff Date: Sept. 1st
6-8 yr. old coed
Cutoff Date: Dec. 15th
9-10 yr. old Boys
Cutoff Date: Dec. 15th
11-13 yr. old Boys
Cutoff Date: Dec. 15th
9-10 yr. old Girls
Cutoff Date: Dec. 15th
11-13 yr. old Girls
Cutoff Date: Dec. 15th
Indoor Soccer
6-8 yr. old coed
Cutoff Date: Jan. 1st
9-12 yr. old coed
Cutoff Date: Jan. 1st
13-15 yr. old coed
Cutoff Date: Jan. 1st
9-10 yr. old Girls Kid Pitch
Cutoff Date: May 1st
11-13 yr. old Girls Fast Pitch
Cutoff Date: May 1st
4-5 yr. old coed T-Ball
Cutoff Date: May 1st
6-8 yr. old coed
Cutoff Date: May 1st
9-10 yr. old Boys
Cutoff Date: May 1st
11-13 yr. old Boys
Cutoff Date: May 1st